Officiating and Coaching

Paper Code: 
PHE- 502
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 


  1. Definition and importance of officiating
  2. Principles of officiating
  3. Duties of official
Unit II: 
Quality of Official


  1. Qualities of a good official
  2. Suggestion for improving the standard of officiating
  3. Officials for athletics and other major games and their responsibilities


Unit III: 
I Coaching


  1. Meaning and definition of coaching
  2. Importance of coaching
  3. Principles of coaching
  4. Qualities of a good coach
  5. Duties of a coach


Unit IV: 


  1. Meaning and definition of training
  2. Types of training
  3. Principles of sports training
  4. Factors affecting training
Unit V: 


  1. Demonstration and analysis of skills
  2. Criteria of Selection of players
  3. Principles of offence and defence
  4. Training schedules
  5. Requisites of a champion
Essential Readings: 
  1. Dr. P.D. Sharma: Officiating and Coaching, A.P. Publishers, 19, Books, Market, Chowk Adda, Jalendher.
  2. Singh Hardayal – Sports Training General Theory and Practice NSNIS Publication Patiala, 1984.


  1. Clair Bee and Ken Norton: The Science of Coaching: Second Edition, The Ronald Press Company, New York 1959.
  2. James B. Bonder: How to be successful Coach, Prentice Hall, INC, Englewood Cluffs N.J.
Academic Year: