Foundations of Physical Education (Part-I)

Paper Code: 
PHE 102
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Biological Foundations


  1. 1  Movement basis of Growth
  2. 2  Structure Function  of Growth
  3. 3  Age Classification- Chronological, Anatomical, Physiological and    Mental
  4. 4   implications in developing and implementing Programme of

Physical Education

Unit II: 
Growth and Development


  1. 1   Definition of Growth and Development
  2. 2   Factors influencing Growth and Development
  3. 3   Principles governing Physical and Motor Growth and Development
  4. 4   Stages of Growth and Development
  5. 5   Importance of Heredity and Environment in Growth and   Development                                                                           
Unit III: 
Psychological Foundation


  1. 1  Definition of Psychology and Sports Psychology
  2. 2  Scope of Sports Psychology
  3. 3  Importance and Implication of Psychological elements in Physical Education
  4. 4  Psycho-physical unity of man
Unit IV: 


  1. 1  Definition and its theories
  2. 2  Laws of learning
  3. 3  Conditions and factors affecting learning
  4. 4  Transfer of learning


Unit V: 
Play & Personality


  1. 1  Meaning of Play
  2. 2  Theories of Play
  3. 3  Types of Play, & Play and Work
  4. 4  Definition of Personality and its types
  5. 5  Factors affecting Personality
  6. 5  Sports and Ethics
  7. 6  Discipline and Sportsmanship


Academic Year: